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Covert Investigation

Covert Investigation

Clive Harfield and Karen Harfield
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date: 13 December 2024

p. 1348 Interference with Property and Entry onto Land or Equipmentlocked

p. 1348 Interference with Property and Entry onto Land or Equipmentlocked

  • Clive Harfield
  • , and Karen Harfield


This chapter introduces certain tactics that facilitate covert investigation, particularly intrusive surveillance, which involve actions that constitute crimes or torts. It mentions the deployment of a listening device at private residential premises or the attachment of a location-tracking device to a vehicle that will involve trespass and could involve criminal damage being caused. It also cites Part III PA97 and Part 5 IPA2016 which provide that the statutory regimes under certain actions in covert investigations may be authorized and rendered lawful within the context of the authorized action. The chapter highlights authorizations for property interference or entry onto land, which should be sought wherever members of the empowered organizations conduct entry on, or interference with, property that would be otherwise unlawful. It considers property interference as a prerequisite for intrusive surveillance under RIPA2000.

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