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Investigation of Fraud and Economic Crime

Investigation of Fraud and Economic Crime

Michael J Betts and David Clark
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date: 24 January 2025

p. 1034 Digitally enabled (cyber) crimelocked

p. 1034 Digitally enabled (cyber) crimelocked

  • Betts Michael J


This chapter assesses how fraud is digitally enabled, looking at crimes that can only be committed by use of computers and the internet (so-called cyber-dependent offences). It focuses on offence types and basic terminology; case studies; how investigations and victims can be approached; and the ‘golden hour’ principles for fraud enabled by cyber offending. The chapter also examines how cyber criminality can be prevented and victims protected. Cyber-enabled crime is defined by the National Computer Crime Unit as crime where a computer is used to assist or aid an offence such as fraud, harassment, or grooming. Criminal motives may range from financial gain to revenge. What remains constant is the role of the network and the systems connected to it as either conduits for criminal activity or targets in their own right.

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