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Investigation of Fraud and Economic Crime

Investigation of Fraud and Economic Crime

Michael J Betts and David Clark
Page of

date: 24 January 2025

10 p. 276Reviews and operational learninglocked

10 p. 276Reviews and operational learninglocked

  • Betts Michael J


The chapter begins by looking at the benefits of conducting case reviews in fraud investigations: what they are, the various types, how they should be undertaken and by whom. A review has a number of purposes, but in particular it is meant to assist and support the fraud investigation by making sure that any investigative opportunities are not overlooked and are highlighted to the investigation team. The different types of case reviews include management intervention reviews, 28-day reviews, thematic reviews, closure reviews, peer reviews, detected reviews, cold-case reviews, and multi-agency reviews. The chapter then considers the benefits, purpose, and practicalities of undertaking a structured debrief in fraud investigations. Operational learning is an integral element of the Fraud Investigation Model (FIM), and both investigating officers (IOs) and senior investigating officers (SIOs) should consider the benefits of identifying operational learning throughout the course of their inquiry.

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